What is Motor Neurone Disease?

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, you may feel concerned about what care you will need.

In the UK, more than 5,000 people are affected by this condition.

Motor Neurone Disease

Motor Neurone Disease causes weakness, which becomes more prevalent over time. The condition is progressive and affects the muscles in the body that become damaged and eventually stop working.

While there is currently no cure for this illness, there are treatments available to help you manage the condition in daily life.

Motor Neurone Disease affects the brain and nerves called motor neurones, leading to cells not working over time.

This disease mainly affects people aged 60-70 but can affect any age group.

Motor Neurone Disease can lead to difficulty breathing and swallowing. To counteract these difficulties, you may need to use a breathing mask or a feeding tube.


There are a range of symptoms associated with Motor Neurone Disease including:

· Weakness in legs

· Slurred speech

· Difficulty swallowing

· Weak grip

· Muscle cramps

· Weight loss


A personalised care plan will allow you to maximise living with this condition.

Your care plan will allow you to manage the progress of the condition while ensuring as much independence as possible.

We have a detailed understanding of this condition and work alongside the Motor Neurone Disease Association to ensure our staff have detailed knowledge of your needs.

At Synergy Complex Care, we provide tailored care plans. If you need advice, contact us today.

Posted in General.