Navigating your learning disability

Whilst learning disabilities are most commonly recognised during childhood, adults may be diagnosed at a later date.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with a learning disability, this can help to explain some of the challenges you experience and understand this to empower you to get the support you need.

What are the types of learning disabilities?

There are many learning disabilities that will affect people differently, but each disability will have similar traits or behaviours.

These disabilities will affect:

  • Spoken language
  • Written language
  • Reasoning

Although they affect people in different ways, it is crucial you look at your individual needs to ensure you receive tailored support, so you are directly supported.

Spoken language support

Spoken language disabilities affect your understanding and expression of language either when written down or spoken.

Support options include reducing noise to aid concentration or focusing on the speed of your speech to ensure clear communication.

We believe you should be in control of your decisions, which is why we focus on communication between you and our healthcare professionals, ensuring independence is at the forefront of your support plan.

Our support plans aim to help you navigate the complexities these disorders can present, leading to an increase in independence and overall quality of life.

Written language support

We will support your written language learning disability, helping you to understand your diagnosis if you have recently been diagnosed with disabilities like dyslexia or dysgraphia.

If your diagnosis is for these types of disabilities, there are lots of support options you can choose, including:

  • Using different coloured overlays when reading
  • Using a different coloured paper when writing

It might also be beneficial to implement a writing structure that you can use no matter what task you face.

These support systems will help you to understand information in a way that is suited to you, leading you to live an independent life with a structured and beneficial routine.

Reasoning learning disabilities support

Synergy Complex Care are on hand to help you integrate your thoughts and ideas into your everyday life and support any organisation worries you might have.

Reasoning learning disabilities include Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVD or NVLD) which involve a pattern of high verbal skills and weaker motor, visual-spatial and social skills.

You can support your reasoning learning disability in lots of ways, including:

  • Playing games that require logic
  • Integrating trial and error into your daily choices
  • Asking open-ended questions with your friends and family

Creating support systems that help to combat your organisation worries will guide you to living a life of enhanced quality and individuality.

How can Synergy help?

Learning disabilities require attention and support which is why we are here to guide you on your journey in finding the right support for you.

Putting support systems in place quickly will help you to live and work as independently as possible.

We realise every individual has specific different needs, which is why we specialise in creating tailored support plans to suit you and guide you through your journey.

If you would like advice on how to navigate and support your learning disability, please contact us or call 0117 403 7878.

Posted in Autism, Complex behaviour, Mental Health.