Carers Week: Making sure carers are valued and supported

Did you know that this week is Carers Week?

The national event runs from 6 June to 12 June and is an annual campaign to raise awareness of the importance of caring and to highlight the difficulties that carers face.

There is believed to be around 6.5 million carers in the UK, with the campaign aiming to celebrate and recognise their vital contribution.

It also helps to shine a light on the support that is available and helps people who do not realise they are carers to see themselves as such.

The theme of 2022’s week is making sure carers and caring are visible, valued and supported. This means that carers are recognised for their work and the difficulties they face; are respected for their work and given the support and help they need.

The impact of Covid-19

Looking after the welfare of carers is always important, but the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has put the work of carers into even sharper focus. The pandemic had a huge impact on the lives of unpaid carers, as they had to navigate the challenges of lockdown, shielding and changes to the care infrastructure, such as hospitals and day centres.

The pandemic also saw many people becoming carers for the first time, as they looked after vulnerable family and neighbours.

That is why this year’s Carer Week and its theme is so important to ensure carers are visible, valued and supported.

What is a carer?

A carer is someone who looks after a family member or friend who has a physical or mental illness, disability, addiction or who needs help as they grow older.

Many people may not think of themselves as carers, which is why it is important to raise awareness of what a carer is so people can access the support they need.

Caring is incredibly important, but it is also a very challenging role. It affects all aspects of a carer’s life, from relationships and social life to finances and work.

If you are a carer and need advice, resources are available on the Carers Week website.

Do you care for a family member or loved one and need support? Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

Posted in General.