Tips for Living Better with Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. This occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the protective covering of the nerves in a person’s brain and spinal cord.

MS isn’t a one size fits all condition, and affects people differently, with some people’s symptoms getting worse over time, while some have symptoms that come and go.

There currently is no cure for MS but people with the condition can live long, fulfilling lives while it can be effectively managed.

Tips for managing Multiple Sclerosis

Although there is no special diet for MS, eating a diet low in fat, high in vitamins and fibre can help you feel better, while giving you an energy boost and supporting healthy bladder and bowel function.

Research shows that people who participate in aerobic exercise program can benefit from improved strength, better bladder and bowel function, better cardiovascular fitness and a more positive attitude.

Yoga and tai chi are also a good work out for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis.

If you have trouble getting to sleep at night you aren’t alone, over half of MS patients suffer with restless legs syndrome. Getting as much quality sleep as you can get and having a set bedtime routine is important.

Changing your environment to best suit your needs, such as adapting your office or home when needed as your condition progressives.

This could be anything like keeping essentials within an easy reach to installing safety features in the bathroom and doorways to help reduce the risk of falls.

How we can help

Multiple Sclerosis is a highly unpredictable condition that needs personalised care tailored to each individual. At Synergy, we deliver a tailored made care plan to each client we work with.

Having care while living with MS can drastically improve the quality of life for the individual, by giving independence and their preferred lifestyle. Another major benefit is the improved health outcomes.

Our care addresses the physical symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis including mobility, pain management and bladder and bowel care, and our team has extensive experience helping clients with these areas.

Get in touch with the expert team at Synergy where we can deliver complex care at home for clients with Multiple Sclerosis.

Posted in Multiple Sclerosis.